Don’t Quit

Hope we are catching you having a relaxing evening before the night sets in. We are reflecting on words Brother Nobles gave us during a service a couple weekends ago that really stuck. There are a million reasons why we wouldn’t be here, why we wouldn’t be in the fight to overcome, and why we…

Born Again

Happy Wednesday -- we’re halfway there🙂. We were going to ask to have coffee with you this morning (but someone forgot to press "post" late last night), so maybe we could do lunch instead – to share some of our Sunday notes with you. Have you ever noticed in walking or driving around your town…

Responding to Adversity

From another incredible weekend in church, we're going into the week stronger . . . strengthening our hearts, lifting up our hands that hang down, and making straight paths for our feet. (Hope to write more later about these services, but for now, just sharing some brief highlights.) Don't be so easily beset at adversity.…

It’s All Good!

Hi, hoping we made it in time to be part of your nighttime routine🌙 What powerful messages we have heard the last few services! (We'll get to them shortly. Also, you're going to want to hang around for the music on this one. The band and singers were awesome, and Brother Darrell was killing it…

Say His Name

Wrapping up our weekend keeping prayer at the very front of our minds, and Brother Robert Wadleigh is reminding us what prayer is really all about and how nothing can compare to that name, Jesus. Brother Nobles told us how communication is a two way street. Don't let your prayer go to the back of…